📚 Six Dragons Fly Again: Reviving 15th-Century Korean Court Music with Transformers and Novel Encoding

Authors: Danbinaerin Han, Mark Gotham, Dongmin Kim, Hannah Park, Sihun Lee, Dasaem Jeong

Conference: Proceedings of 25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) (Accepted)

📚 On the automatic recognition of Jeongganbo music notation: dataset and approach

Authors: Dongmin Kim, Danbinaerin Han, Dasaem Jeong, Jose J Valero-Mas

Journal: International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval **** (On the review)

📚 Inferring the Transformation of Korean Early Music using Deep Neural Network

Author: Danbinaerin Han (Master thesis)


📚 Aligning Incomplete Lyrics of Korean Folk Song Dataset using Whisper